CSR consulting

Over the past decades, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has taken center-stage in the global development. CSR is a plan, a strategy, a set of objectives and action that makes a business responsible for its actions and encourages a positive impact on the environment, employees, clients, patrons, stakeholders and basically the community they operates in.

At Samyuk, we collaborate with philanthropists, foundations and socials organization to achieve the positive impact on the society as well as add value to the companies in all that we do- in the best way possible and to the best of our ability.

CSR Services

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We utilize companies fund in a most sustainable way. We provide resources needed to do CSR works like:
✓ Human Resources
✓ Products( Branding)
✓ Materials & Equipments
✓ Physical (or) virtual spaces
✓ Technology

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We partner with all the one who are responsible for the activity and deliver the project in a most efficient way. The main work elements of a CSR program are:
✓ Philanthropy
✓ NGO Activities
✓ Employee Volunteering
✓ Cause-related marketing(CRM)
✓ Sustainability efforts

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We calculate the outputs of a CSR program and analyze the effects of which the program is created in the society. The analysis are:
✓ Hours of volunteer service
✓ People served
✓ Tons of waste diverted
✓ Of non-profits supported
✓ Of kilo-watts conserved
✓ Of employees participating
✓ Of products sold

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Evaluate intended and unintended outcomes and ensure maximum visibility of the project. The outcomes are:
✓ Improved job satisfaction
✓ Reduced environmental footprint
✓ Greater social impact by supported non-profits
✓ Greater connection to the community

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Discover the real impact made by the company to the society and report the impact/progress generation( CSR Reporting) for the board of directors of the company including calculation of Social Return on Investment( SROI).